




【原创】 天狮发达国家全面溃败之启示


“天狮北美关门了!加拿大和美国公司正在拍卖物品和产品!”几周前,一位加拿大天狮8星经销商第一时间告诉我的时候,对于我这个曾经写过多篇天狮国际化文章的我,还是被这个消息吓了一跳。为了验证事情的真相,我驱车来到了天狮多伦多分公司。眼前的情景让我有点感慨,我6年前曾去过天狮多伦多分公司,那是公司多气派,员工都有几十人,而现在的分公司已经搬到了多伦多华人区的一座普通写字楼里,只有3小间只能容纳1-2人办公的小办公室,房间还都不挨着,只剩下两个员工在拍卖所有的产品和物资。几个经销商在买产品,2折大拍卖,听说美国分公司所有产品 5毛钱!看到此景,有点感慨万分。自天狮西欧发达国家分公司相继关门之后,北美这块发达国家的最后阵地,在经历了 9年挣扎之后,最后还是关门大吉。可以说,至此,天狮发达国家宣告全面失败!


Tiens North America Shutting Down

Ted Nuyten of BusinessforHome.org, reported that Tiens North America is closing down their operations in the United States and Canada.

Founded in 1995 by Li Jinyuan, Tianshi Group is a large-scale global enterprise with operations in over 190 countries and regions with a customer base over 10 million.

Tianshi opened its doors in North America in 1999 and now has over 11,000 Independent Consultants.

In North America, Tiens support the opportunity by offering products such as: herbal supplements, personal, home, skin and body care.

Tiens Biotech Group USA, Inc. (AMEX: TBV) conducts its business operations from Tianjin, People's Republic of China. Tiens basically engages in the research, development, manufacturing, and marketing of nutrition supplement products, including wellness products and dietary supplements.

TBV derives its revenues principally from product sales to affiliated companies in China and internationally in 54 countries.

Tiens has obtained all required certificates and approvals from
government regulatory agencies to manufacture and sell its products in China.

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  • 赢征天下 说:悲怆之感

    2012-05-22 19:04:27

  • 匿名网友 说:因果不空

    2012-06-21 19:52:42

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